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bufferSize() - Method in interface net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixPrimitive
Returns the number of bytes that are currently buffered.


doSelfIntegrityCheck() - Static method in class
Verifies that the JAR containing this provider has not been tampered with.


engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, or finishes a multiple-part operation.
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, or finishes a multiple-part operation.
engineDoFinal() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Completes the MAC computation and resets the MAC for further use, maintaining the secret key that the MAC was initialized with.
engineGenerateKey() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeyGenerator
Generates a secret key.
engineGenerateSecret(KeySpec) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecretKeyFactory
Generates a SecretKey object from the provided key specification (key material).
engineGenerateSeed(int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecureRandom
Returns the specified number of pseudo-random seed bytes.
engineGetBlockSize() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Returns the block size (in bytes).
engineGetEncoded() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Returns the parameters in their primary encoding format.
engineGetEncoded(String) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Returns the parameters encoded in the specified format.
engineGetIV() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Returns the initialization vector (IV) in a new buffer.
engineGetKeySize(Key) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Returns the key size of the given key object in bits.
engineGetKeySpec(SecretKey, Class) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecretKeyFactory
Returns a specification (key material) of the given key object in the requested format.
engineGetMacLength() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Returns the length of the MAC in bytes.
engineGetOutputSize(int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Returns the length in bytes that an output buffer would need to be in order to hold the result of the next update or doFinal operation, given the input length inputLen (in bytes).
engineGetParameters() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Returns the parameters used with this cipher.
engineGetParameterSpec(Class<T>) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Returns a (transparent) specification of this parameters object.
engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Initializes this parameters object using the parameters specified in paramSpec.
engineInit(byte[]) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Imports the specified parameters and decodes them according to the primary decoding format for parameters.
engineInit(byte[], String) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Imports the parameters from params and decodes them according to the specified decoding format.
engineInit(int, Key, SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Initializes this cipher with a key and a source of randomness.
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Initializes this cipher with a key, a set of algorithm parameters, and a source of randomness.
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters, SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Initializes this cipher with a key, a set of algorithm parameters, and a source of randomness.
engineInit(SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeyGenerator
Initializes the key generator.
engineInit(int, SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeyGenerator
Initializes this key generator for a certain keysize, using the given source of randomness.
engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeyGenerator
Initializes the key generator with the specified parameter set and a user-provided source of randomness.
engineInit(Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Initializes the MAC with the given (secret) key and algorithm parameters.
engineNextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecureRandom
Generates a user-specified number of random bytes.
engineReset() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Resets the MAC for further use, maintaining the secret key that the MAC was initialized with.
engineSetMode(String) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Sets the mode of this cipher.
engineSetPadding(String) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Sets the padding mechanism of this cipher.
engineSetSeed(byte[]) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecureRandom
(Re-)Seeds this pseudo-random number generator.
engineToString() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Returns a formatted string describing the parameters.
engineTranslateKey(SecretKey) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecretKeyFactory
Translates a key object, whose provider may be unknown or potentially untrusted, into a corresponding key object of this secret-key factory.
engineUnwrap(byte[], String, int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Unwraps a previously wrapped key.
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data part.
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data part.
engineUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Processes the given byte.
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Processes the first len bytes in input, starting at offset inclusive.
engineWrap(Key) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Wraps a key.


feed(byte[]) - Method in interface net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixPrimitive
Processes the next sequence of input bytes.
finish(byte[]) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixDecryption
Completes a Helix encryption/decryption operation.
finish(byte[]) - Method in interface net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixPrimitive
Completes a Helix encryption/decryption operation.


getActualMac() - Method in exception net.ninthtest.crypto.MessageAuthenticationException
Returns the MAC that was actually generated.
getExpectedMac() - Method in exception net.ninthtest.crypto.MessageAuthenticationException
Returns the MAC that was expected to be generated.
getGeneratedMac() - Method in interface net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixPrimitive
Returns the MAC that was generated following a successful encryption/decryption operation.
getKey() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeySpec
Returns the key material for the Helix cryptographic key.
getMac() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixParameterSpec
Returns the MAC used to authenticate a message.
getMessage(String) - Static method in class
Returns the localized message associated with key.
getMessage(String, Object...) - Static method in class
Returns the localized message associated with key, formatted using arguments.
getNonce() - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixParameterSpec
Returns the nonce used in a Helix cryptographic operation.


HELIX - Static variable in class
The algorithm name for the Helix combined stream cipher and MAC function.
HelixAlgorithmParameters - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
Manages the algorithm parameters for Helix cryptographic operations.
HelixAlgorithmParameters() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixAlgorithmParameters
Creates a new HelixAlgorithmParameters and performs the provider self-integrity check.
HelixCipher - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
This class provides encryption and decryption (with optional MAC generation and verification) operations for the Helix stream cipher.
HelixCipher() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixCipher
Creates a new HelixCipher and performs the provider self-integrity check.
HelixDecryption - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.helix
A Helix primitive for a single decryption operation.
HelixDecryption(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixDecryption
Creates a new HelixDecryption primitive using the specified key and nonce.
HelixDecryption(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixDecryption
Creates a new HelixDecryption primitive using the specified key, nonce, and expected MAC.
HelixEncryption - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.helix
A Helix primitive for a single encryption operation.
HelixEncryption(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixEncryption
Creates a new HelixEncryption primitive using the specified key and nonce.
HelixKeyGenerator - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
This class generates secret (symmetric) keys for the Helix combined stream cipher and MAC function algorithm.
HelixKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeyGenerator
Creates a new HelixKeyGenerator using the default key size and the platform default SecureRandom implementation.
HelixKeySpec - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
A (transparent) specification of the key material that constitutes a Helix secret key.
HelixKeySpec(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeySpec
Creates a new HelixKeySpec using the first 32 bytes from key as the key material for the Helix key.
HelixKeySpec(byte[], int) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixKeySpec
Creates a new HelixKeySpec using the first 32 bytes from key, beginning at offset (inclusive), as the key material for the Helix key.
HelixMac - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
This class provides the MAC generation operation for the Helix stream cipher.
HelixMac() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixMac
Creates a new HelixMac and performs the provider self-integrity check.
HelixParameterSpec - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
Specifies the nonce (i.e.
HelixParameterSpec(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixParameterSpec
Creates a new HelixParameterSpec instance using bytes from nonce as the Helix nonce.
HelixParameterSpec(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixParameterSpec
Creates a new HelixParameterSpec instance using bytes from nonce and expectedMac as the Helix nonce and MAC, respectively.
HelixPrimitive - Interface in net.ninthtest.crypto.helix
A cryptographic primitive for the Helix combined stream cipher and MAC function.
HelixRandom - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.helix
A PRNG that uses the Helix key stream to generate pseudorandom numbers.
HelixRandom() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixRandom
Creates a new HelixRandom using a generated seed.
HelixRandom(long) - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixRandom
Creates a new HelixRandom using the provided seed.
HelixSecretKeyFactory - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
A factory for building or retrieving Helix secret keys..
HelixSecretKeyFactory() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecretKeyFactory
Creates a new HelixSecretKeyFactory and performs the provider self-integrity check.
HelixSecureRandom - Class in net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix
This class is a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) that uses the Helix key stream as a source of randomness.
HelixSecureRandom() - Constructor for class net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix.HelixSecureRandom
Creates a new HelixSecureRandom and performs the provider self-integrity check.


INFO - Static variable in class
A short description of the provider.


MessageAuthenticationException - Exception in net.ninthtest.crypto
A runtime exception used to indicate that MAC verification has failed.
MessageAuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ninthtest.crypto.MessageAuthenticationException
Creates a new MessageAuthenticationException with the specified detail message.
MessageAuthenticationException(String, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for exception net.ninthtest.crypto.MessageAuthenticationException
Creates a new MessageAuthenticationException with the specified detail message, and saving the expected and actual MACs for reference.
MessageAuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ninthtest.crypto.MessageAuthenticationException
Creates a new MessageAuthenticationException with the specified detail message and cause.
Messages - Class in
A utility class for retrieving and formatting localized messages.


NAME - Static variable in class
The provider name.
net.ninthtest.crypto - package net.ninthtest.crypto
net.ninthtest.crypto.helix - package net.ninthtest.crypto.helix
net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix - package net.ninthtest.crypto.provider.helix - package - package
next(int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixRandom
NinthTestProvider - Class in
The NinthTest JCA Provider is a security service provider for the Java Cryptography Architecture.
NinthTestProvider() - Constructor for class
Creates a new NinthTestProvider and initializes the set of services provided.


setSeed(long) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixRandom


transformWords(int[], int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixDecryption
Performs the main encryption/decryption loop.
transformWords(int[], int) - Method in class net.ninthtest.crypto.helix.HelixEncryption
Performs the main encryption/decryption loop.


VERSION - Static variable in class
The provider version.
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